1991:   Design project at The Film Board, Order Receiving and Shipping Departments.

Two postgraduate students (supervised by Jesper Simonsen) worked with two managers and seventeen employees in the Order Receiving and Shipping Departments to clarify how problems in managing a film stock and the cooperation between the Shipping and the Order Receiving functions could be supported by an inventory control system. The research goal was to test a variety of design techniques. The project lasted four months with both students working full time.

Link to The Film Board


1.3 Simonsen, J. (1994): Designing Systems in an Organizational Context: An Explorative Study of Theoretical, Methodological, and Organizational Issues from Action Research in Three Design Projects, Ph.D. thesis in Computer Science, Writings on Computer Science No. 52, Computer Science Department, Roskilde University, Roskilde, Denmark.

Jensen, Jesper Rugård and Ulrik Skjoldborg Kullberg (1992): Systemudvikling i praksis [System Development in Practice], (in Danish), M.Sc. Dissertation in Computer Science, Roskilde University, Roskilde, Denmark.

Kullberg, Ulrik S. and Jesper R. Jensen (1991): Forundersøgelsesrapport for Distributionen og Forsendelsen i Statens Filmcentral [Report on the Design Project in the Order Receiving and Shipping Departments], (in Danish), MUST Arbejdspapir No. 2, Roskilde University, Roskilde, Denmark.