1991:   Design project at a operations room/airport.

Pilot study in an operations room at a metropolitan airport. The study was part of a lar-ger research project that focused on "just what the work of operations comprises as situated activity within this particular site". Two researchers analyzed the work and generated design ideas with a low degree of participation and we had no contract with the airline. In the operations room two people coordinate the servicing of arriving and departing planes. This is primarily done by communicating through a variety of media with a diverse group of people in and outside the airport. The research goal of our part of the project was to develop and test forms of representations that would support a Language/Action Approach to design. The project lasted four month with part time involvement.


Kensing, Finn, and Terry Winograd: "Operationalizing the Language/Action Approach to Design of Computer-Support for Cooperative Work", in R. K. Stamper (Ed.): Collaborative Work, Social Communications and Information Systems, North-Holland, The Netherlands, 1991, pp. 311-331. Abstract.